Spring Garland with Birds

Have you already felt the spring? And even though the snow is still on the lawns, and you have to wrap your neck in a scarf, some subtle note of spring has already appeared in the air. I suggest a little poshamanit and pozazyvat a real warm spring, and at the same time embellish the house with a spring garland of birds.

We will need:
- several small multi-colored patches of cotton fabric
- stencil of paper (you need to draw a bird's body and wing)
- scissors, thread, needles (it is also good to have a sewing machine)
- buttons and beads
- any filler (sintepuh, holofayber, wool, scraps of all sorts of rags)
- a piece of thick fabric to stiffen the wings.

We outline our stencils on the fabric. For one bird, you will need 2 parts of the body and 4 parts of the wings made of cotton + 2 parts of the wings made of dense material. Do not forget that the stencil of the body must be turned over before circling the second part.

We cut out our details: we cut out the body with an increase in the seam of 3-5 mm, the wings-without an increase.

I immediately fold a sandwich for the wings: two pieces of cotton and a thick piece of woolen sausage between them. Sew on the front side of the contrasting color thread.

We start sewing from the back, leaving a hole in the middle of the back, then sew a ribbon there.

We turn out our carcass and fill it with filler through the hole. We fill it tight so that the seams are stretched, and the bird itself is well sprung in the hands.

In my 12-centimeter birds, it turned out to be 11 grams.

The hole (3-4 cm) is sewn with a secret seam, simultaneously sewing (or not sewing) the ribbon.

Somehow it turns out that way.

The wings and eyes are sewn in one way: we stick the needle so that it passes through and the puncture sites are as symmetrical as possible. Slightly tighten the thread to create depressions in the sides. And there are already strung either beads for the eyes, or wings and buttons.

The result is something like this. The wings turn.

If you do not want a few individual birds, but a garland, then you do not need to sew a ribbon. Just thread a few birds on a long ribbon / string/thread with a Gypsy needle.

Enjoy your creativity and warm spring!