Amazing Characters Made of Felt and Textiles by Yinyue Duzii
  • Category: Ideas & Inspiration
  • Practices: Felting

Chinese craftswoman Yinyue Duzii creates toys made of felt and textiles. The most popular of her works were people-fly agarics: dressed up in strict old costumes, these characters with a mushroom hat instead of a head do not leave the audience indifferent. The needlewoman has many fans around the world and her creations have already settled in different countries.

When you find yourself in a meeting like this, you get a little uneasy:

Sometimes they go on trips:

In addition to the "full-size" characters, the master has a series of "Mushroom escape" with small fly agarics on the legs:

Some more photos of the workshop and workflow:

Yinyue Duzii makes felt and ordinary (and how can I say otherwise after what I saw?) realistic mushrooms:

But sometimes her creations reach about-very large sizes:

And here's what the author's other toys look like:

But finally, all the same, fly agarics for every taste :)