Beautiful Fabric Flowers for Clothing Decor

Today I decided to show you how to quickly and easily create a beautiful accessory - flowers from fabric. Fabric flowers can be used to decorate clothing (dress, t-shirt, t-shirt, belt), to create accessories (bags, headbands, hair clips, and more).

To work, we will need:

1. Cuts of fabric (we will make from satin and chiffon).

2. Scissors.

3. Needle and thread to match the fabric.

4. Pins.

5. Candle (better in a glass, I use an aromatic candle in glass, you can use any candle that is stable, that is, it stands without your help).

6. Tweezers (forceps).

7. Beads, beads, glass beads.

So, let's get started.

Making flowers from fabric should be done in a well-lit and comfortable place, preferably at the table.

1. Take the fabric from which you want to make flowers. It is better to use synthetic fabrics, they melt well at the edges. I took satin and chiffon in different colors. Cut strips of fabric 5-7 cm wide and as long as you can cut the fabric. Chiffon and satin are well and evenly torn along the shared thread, make incisions with scissors on the fabric and tear the fabric. Put the strips in several layers. Next, from strips of fabric, cut squares of different sizes, both large and smaller and very small (the size of your squares will depend on the size of your colors). Now we take squares of the same size, put them in several layers (the number of layers depends on your scissors) and cut circles out of them with scissors. We get circles of different sizes, the circles don't have to be flat (it all depends on your imagination and the colors you want to do).

I got it like this (see the picture above).

2. Now take a candle, light it. Circles that are larger in size can be held in your hand (these are the future petals of our flowers), small circles are held by the edge with tweezers, so as not to burn your hands on the candle flame.

Each circle is taken one by one, hold the circle by the edge and bring it to the candle flame, as if melting the flame along the contour, you need to make sure that the fabric (circle) does not catch fire. To prevent a fire, put a bowl or plate of water next to you, so it will be easier and faster to extinguish the fabric if it catches fire. You need to do everything quickly, that is, quickly lead a circle of fabric and melt the edges, from melting the edges will begin to bend, you can vary the degree of bending of your future petals.

As a result, you should get flower petals, it should look like in the picture:

The number of petals can be any, it all depends on your idea, what you want to get in the end and what fabric your flowers will be made of. Beautiful flowers are obtained from both opaque and semi-transparent fabrics. It is better to use a fabric with synthetic fibers, as they will be beautifully melted at the edges.

3. Now we take the petals that we received and start collecting flowers. First, take the petals (circles) of a larger size and put the petals on them in order of decreasing their size, you can alternate large and small in size (this is necessary if you want to create a voluminous and lush flower). I fasten the petals with a pin for chipping and look at the appearance of the flower, the petals can be moved a little to the sides as you like, it all depends on your imagination. If you are satisfied with everything, then take a needle with a thread that matches the color of the fabric in tone, and holding the flower in your hand (collected and folded petals one on top of the other), fasten the petals. Just a few stitches in the center of the flower.

Here's about what you should get.

4. When you have swept the flower petals together with stitches, you can start decorating the core. I used beads and glass beads, just need to sew in the middle of the flower on the smallest upper petal (core) beads, beads, rhinestones.

So our flowers are ready. Now, depending on how you want to use them, you can make a brooch or just sew them to the product. The product on which you sew flowers, it is better to wash your hands carefully and accurately.

Well, that's it, thank you for reading it. In this master class, I showed you how to make the simplest flowers from fabric to decorate your items. If you have any questions-write, tell me and answer them.

Sincerely, Magic-Decor.