Where Needlewoman Can Escape From Household Chores: Sewing Cafes For Those Who Like to Sew and to Drink Cappuccino

You want to do a lot of needlework, but relatives are overwhelmed with endless household chores, or maybe there is too little free space in your apartment to put a sewing machine? Go to the sewing cafe! Perhaps such an institution has already opened in your city.

This is not surprising: there are more and more people who are fond of manual work every day, so the usual cafes have been replaced by places where you can not only drink a Cup of tea with cakes, but also rent a sewing machine for an hour.

Sewing cafes became popular in the art clusters of Paris 10 years ago, and the very first cafe appeared in London in 2007. To attract craftsmen, the owners of such places create a special creative atmosphere, arranging a cozy interior in a retro style.

Such original spaces unite people who have long dreamed of starting to sew, but have not yet accumulated funds for their first machine. For quite a modest fee, the sewing cafe provides an opportunity to realize the idea of tailoring the most wonderful polka-dot dress with a round collar, which you have dreamed of since childhood, but could not find in a regular store.

In addition, the cafe-workshop allows you to exchange experience with professionals in their field:

Often you can immediately buy the necessary accessories or fabrics:

Stylish interiors of sewing cafes:

Communication with like-minded people, a cozy atmosphere conducive to creativity and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee – what could be better?

Would you like to visit such a cafe, and take part in a gathering of needlewomen, even if you have something to sew on?