Making Wooden Shell ''Nautilus''
  • Category: DIYs
  • Practices: Sawing

Today I have a tutorial on making shells from wood.
Nature is good — you do not need to destroy a living creature, and your house can be decorated with your favorite shapes.
Few fans of real sea shells know that in order to get an empty beautiful shell, the Nautilus needs to be cooked alive.

To make a shell, we will need:

* wood with a beautiful structure;
• circular saw;
• jigsaw;
• hotmelt;
• styrofoam;
• tape;
* teak oil;
• glue.

First of all, choose wood with a beautiful structure. I had a larch at hand.

The size of the bars is 10x10 cm. and the thickness is 3.3 cm. I sawed the bars lengthwise into two parts, at an angle of 15 degrees.To make the task easier, I glued the bars using thermal glue to a bar of wood,one side of which is sawn off at 15 degrees.

So, we have 10 pieces, from which we need to choose 5, with the most suitable structure for each other. And number them.

For the shape of the Nautilus that I designed, the details need to be cut out at a certain angle.Therefore, further to these bars foam was glued using double-sided tape.

The first part of the shell, an arbitrary shape resembling a horseshoe, which will be cut with a jigsaw, is quite small — 5 mm in height. Start with the bar number 1.

This cut piece must be separated from the foam, and attached to the second bar to circle with a pencil.

And so step by step, the previous one on the next. The cut detail from the fifth busk is outlined on the first one. And so on.

When all the parts are sawn, they must be sanded before gluing, so that there are no gaps when gluing.

It is necessary to glue parts in order to make it easier to sand the inner cavity of the shell.

When all the parts are glued together, the shell must be carefully sanded from the outside.

The finished shell should be covered with oil several times. I used teak oil.

The shell is ready!

On the same principle, I made the next shell.

Thanks for your attention!