Feng Shui Tips to Decorate your House, Improve your Life

I want to share interesting information that I learned on the Internet. Moreover, I am sure that all procedures, if done correctly, work.

Why am I writing this with such confidence? It's simple: I experienced Feng Shui and tried it on myself.

A few years ago I had to overcome many difficulties, after divorce I raised my son alone.

I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. In general, it was difficult without support, but everything changed. Now my son has grown up, I changed the country and moved to live in Italy, and then I decided to live in England a little and, at the moment, I'm in London. I can't say that everything is brilliant, but when I remember my previous life, I see a huge difference!

Now, I live an interesting life, I can do what I love, last winter I went to Czech Republic for a holiday. I had never even dreamed of such things before and could not think that it was possible.

First of all, I want to say that it is never too late to change your life and do not listen to any sceptics who say that it is too late to do anything... As long as you live, you can always keep trying to change for the better! Only after death you may change nothing, and there is nothing to change.

I will return to my story that I decided to move to Italy.

To move to another country I needed money I did not have. At that time, when I decided to change my life radically, I learned about Feng Shui.

I read a book on how to change your life by changing your home. I was very sceptical about the information had, but because of my curiosity I wanted to try it. Why not?

To implement my plans, I decided to sell my flat quickly and buy as big flat as I had, but in another city where flats were cheaper. Thanks to the difference from sale, my trip to Italy became more real.

I sold that flat at a price slightly higher than most of the flats sold. My friends, who for the second year tried to sell their house said that I would not sell it at such a high price. However, as they say, I turned a deaf ear...

First of all, I cleared all the areas in my house. Then I covered my cute wallpaper, which depicted a wetland pond in a forest.

To have stagnant water image and storm landscapes on the walls at home are not recommended. Stagnant water brings stagnation to your business, and the storm can bring abrupt changes, but not to the best ones in your life.

Then I changed the upholstery on the front door from brown to bright blue. The door was in the northern side, and blue colour improved my career zone. This helped me to get a temporary job after moving in, which improved my financial situation and brought me one step closer to Italy.

I sold the flat in a month, and happily rushed to implement my plans!

I'm not a super-expert in Feng Shui, but even my modest knowledge in this area has helped me change my life for the better.

Feng Shui gurus recommend which characters and patterns you need to place to activate the inflow of the right energies in your home to improve and adjust your life:

South-east ("Wealth, money" sector)
Element: Tree; generating element: Water
Predominant colours in the picture: red, blue, purple,
green, wisteria, blue, white, black.
Recommended paintings: trees, forest, park, fountain,
mountain lakes, waterfalls,
seas, sea animals, money, black and white options.

South ("Glory" sector)
Element: Fire; generating element: Tree
Predominant colours in the picture: red, green, yellow
Recommended pictures: flying birds, bird feathers, peacocks, horses,
sunrise/sunset, poppies, sunflowers, fields, forest

South-west ("Love relations" sector)
Element: Earth; generating element: Fire
Predominant colours in the picture: beige, all shades of brown,
terracotta, orange, red, pink, yellow, burgundy
Recommended paintings: paired animals and birds, swans, pigeons,
cranes, peonies, roses, flower arrangements, couples in love.

Some Feng Shui gurus recommend placing an image in the bedroom

Moon with moon track. It will help lonely people to meet their

soulmate, and already established couples to improve their relations.

West ("Creativity, Children" sector)
Element: Metal; generating element: Earth
Predominant colours in the picture: beige, all shades of brown,
terracotta, orange, gold, silver, white, yellow.
Recommended paintings: elephants, peaches, mountains, deserts, fields,
black and white options, night cities, cities of the world, castles.

North-west ("Travel, Assistants" sector)
Element: Metal; generating element: Earth
Predominant colours in the picture: beige, all shades of brown,
terracotta, orange, gold, silver, white, yellow.
Recommended pictures: dolphins, sailboats, boats, trains,
balloons, cars, world cities, castles, night cities, mountains,
deserts, fields, world maps, black and white options.

North ("Career" sector)
Element: Water; generating element: Metal
Predominant colours in the picture: blue, cyan,
black, white, silver, gold.
Recommended pictures: oceans, seas, islands, mountains, mountain lakes,
waterfalls, sailboats, cars, sea animals, dolphins,
turtles, black and white options.

North-east ("Knowledge" sector)
Element: Earth; generating element: Fire
Predominant colours in the picture: beige, all shades of brown,
terracotta, orange, red, pink, yellow, burgundy.
Recommended pictures: world maps, globes, money, snakes,
owls, fields, deserts, sunrise/sunset.

Traditional symbols of wisdom are owls,

snakes, globes, carp with dragon head, crystal ball.

From "land" talismans crystals, ceramic or porcelain vases,

crystal globe are perfect options. From "fire" good activators are candles,

fireplace (real or its image)

East ("Family" sector)
Element: Tree; generating element: Water
Predominant colours in the picture: red, green, yellow,
all shades of brown, cyan, blue, purple,
purple, sand.
Recommended paintings: sunrise/sunset, poppies, sunflowers,
fields, forest, mountains, mountain lakes, seas, palm trees, bamboo, peaches, fruits.

The photos in this article are not mine.

Another advice from me:

Do not overdo with it in your desire to change everything in your life!

Choose one or two aspects where change is the most important.

Try, create and be happy!