How to Make Paper Chamomile

Paper art attracts by the fact that you can create a masterpiece from cheap paper. Such things can be seen on the Internet, they amaze you.

But today we will create simple daisies from drawing paper.

You can also try to use office paper, just dry it a little longer not to tear the petals.

You can cut down these flowers on the machine, these knives are usually in the standard set, it is faster. But we will try to make it with our own hands.

If to make by hand, take 2 squares of 4*4 cm and 2*2 cm.

Cut corners, creating a circle, perfection is not necessary, but the circle should look like a circle. Daisies are round.

Then fold in half, then two more times, outlining the longitudinal axis. Lay out and again fold each part in half, but it depends on the diameter of the circle, it is necessary to make sure that the petals are not wide and not very narrow. Cut the petals without cutting the middle.

Go around, rounding from one side first, then turn and round from another. Blank is ready. Also small.

If you cut down on the machine.

All the same, the scallops have been prepared, you only need to cut.

Now everything is the same in all the variants.

Wet the blanks in water.

Now we remember about the film from the previous tutorial.

Fold for an open workpiece to be inside the film, fold diagonally, again, and again, until the flower turns into a small triangle. Now twist the tip like a candy. Pulling the tips of the film, the blank is free.

Let dry, gently straighten the petals, but so that the veins are preserved.

Take a soft cloth, soft wipes, mouse pad, something that presses gently. Photo on a red background. With a bulk or rounded tip of a pen press the edges of all the petals to curve them. Turn — bulk the middle.

The blanks are ready.

I make the middle with a mold, it is not special, usually I place the remains of the mass there. Like I said, I'm an economical person.

That can be used without a mold. Any clay for modeling, even children's, acrylic sealant (remained after repair), silicone sealant with starch, even a piece of salty dough.

Make a small ball, flatten, make small dimples with a needle or a toothpick. The paint will flow there, it will be beautiful. I have a 5 mm mold. Dry.

Now paint with yellow. You can see in the tutorial about the colors.

I painted with a printer paint of a rich yellow color — it flows well into the recesses. With a thin brush or toothpick I put a green drop in the middle. It will spread nicely around the edges. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Paint with a little yellowish paint only the middle of each upper flower. The chamomile consists of 2 parts.

I hurried, the middles did not dry completely, so I made the corners a bit dirty. But they can be assembled to the middle, there are daisies that only bloom, bend part of the petals to the middle to add liveliness.

That's what happened in the end.

Now it remains to collect the composition and admire the cute daisies.

Remember how you made greenery, it is certainly not chamomile, but curls look good anyway.

I applied it on the box.

Let the daisies bloom in your house.

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