Video Tutorial: Flower Pot from Cement

In this tutorial I will show you how to make a pot of cement with your own hands.

It is quick and easy!

The shape was made of balloon, paper and glue.

I used carpentry (wood) glue.

Thanks to this, the foundation turned out to be stronger.

I used office paper (it is denser than newspaper).

I applied several layers (3-4)

I let the balloon dry a few days.

In fact, I just forgot about it and got distracted by other tutorials.

I cut off the top of the paper with the balloon.

I pushed down the bottom with hands to make the pot stable.

On the front part I applied a layer of cement, mixed with water, and pressed the shells of pistachios in the form of flowers.

It is necessary to work fast before the cement gets dry.

To make it dry faster, you can add a bit of PVA glue to the solution.

When dry, I applied glue on the pot and then painted it with acrylic paints.

I used acrylic paint for indoor and outdoor work.

I applied the second layer on the flowers with a sponge, not with a brush.

This pot can be kept both in the house and on the street.

Good luck!