Creating Wooden Frame for Panel

Today we will place a plaster panel, made in the previous tutorial, in a frame.

We will make a frame from scratch from scraps of furrings. As a result, you will get a stylish and cool panels in eco style for your home.

You will need:

- furrings 17*5 — 2 pieces. Cuts 27*5 — 2 pieces;

- dense cardboard 21 cm*21cm;

- suspension — 1 piece;

- screw;

- screwdriver;

- super glue;

- paint for wood — I have antiseptic glazing of oak color;

- metal brush;

- sandpaper;

- acrylic paint;

- ruler;

- scissors, pencil.

An unusual panel in botanical floristry technique is ready. I want to make 3 more of these, but of different times of the year. If you hang it on the wall, the whole composition will look great. When I make my plan real, I will share it with you.

Create with us, please yourself and your beloved ones.

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