Nature is the Best Fashion Designer

The best fashion designer is nature! You cannot say it better!

Designers know this better than anyone, because it is nature that inspires them to create amazing creations. Probably only fashion designers have learned to take all the best from nature, without harming it, admiring its beauty, creating unique outfits, because everything beautiful that surrounds us can inspire new work.

Sometimes the color scheme is simply amazing, and you can not think of a better combination of colors than nature did.
This can be clearly seen in the dress "Mysteries of the Night", "Coming of Spring" or "Volcano". It seems that fashionable dresses were created by nature! No wonder they say that all the beauty created by man, once existed in nature or exists now.

Nature has already come up with everything and decided how it should be, and designers are happy to obey it, embodying it in their works.
In this article, I have chosen works in which I invite you to appreciate this riot of colors, incredible landscapes, gentle sunsets, reflection of heavenly bodies, mysterious night sky and stars, ingenuity and beauty of nature.

Enjoy watching!

1. Dress - Magic Bird

2. Abundance

3. Girl-spring

4. Man-made Beauty

5. Gentle Hibiscus

6. Strict Refinement

7. Night Sky

8. Innocence

9. White Rose

10. Jellyfish

11. Lightness of Feathers

12. Magic of Water

13. Fairy Iris

14. Passion

15. Starry Sky

16. Tenderness

17. Mysteries of the Night

18. Sparkle of Glass

19. Queen of the Forest

20. Monstera`s Dress

21. Witch

22. Coming of Spring

23. Water Surface

24. Volcano