Making Textile Cookies

Working on a paid raccoon tutorial, I thought about how to include a mini tutorial on cookies. Because raccoons love them so much! Then I thought that these little cookies would be interesting themselves. As a compliment to other toys, as interior decorations, or as brooches...


This is a free tutorial. If you want to share it, please do not copy it, do not replicate it on the Internet, just give a link.

Let us bake! You need a piece of cotton, thread, padding polyester, coffee, cinnamon, vanilla. Found it? Knead the dough.

Pattern. We don't really need a square. One side of the cookie should be slightly longer. Let it be 5,4x5 cm. Why? Any fabric at least a little stretches in one direction. To get a square cookie, put the pattern with the short side along the greater stretching of the fabric!

Stitch, leaving a hole for turning out and stuffing.

Turn out.

Fill. Cookies are better to fill with padding polyester, it certainly fits worse, but it is well pressed, we need FLAT cookies! Press the cookies to make the filling even.

Iron through wet gauze. The pads into hard squares! Sew up the holes for stuffing.

Form the cookie edges: thread in two additions over the edge of pulling cookies at regular intervals. If you have a bad eye, use a pencil or pin for marking!

Make "dents" on the cookies: you can also mark first with a pencil, and then pulling the cookies together several times, stitch them in the right places.

Make coffee. It is better to do it in advance. I immediately put on the bottom of the flask cinnamon and vanilla, and leave the coffee maker until it turnes off for the drink to infuse.

Dip cookies in coffee and lay out to dry in a warm place, but not on the radiator! There will be stroke marks! You can hang on the strings in a heated, ajar and turned off oven.

That is all! Cookies are ready! You can deceive gullible raccoons and guests!

Good luck!