Art Wedding Photography by Paul Edmondson: Vikings Style

Short introduction.
In Norway, the home of the Vikings, people carefully preserve and revive the traditions of their ancestors. In the fjord village of Gudvangen on the shores of the Nærøyfjord (included in the UNESCO World Heritage) there is a "Viking Valley". This is a reconstruction of an ancient settlement of the Viking age and a real historical open-air Museum.

The village is called Njardarheim, in translation — "Njard`s House" (Njard — in Norse mythology, the God of wind and sea, protector of sailors, fishermen and hunters of marine animals). Tourists can take part in the reconstruction of historical events from the life of the Vikings, to communicate with the descendants of the Vikings and learn more about the history of Scandinavia, get a chance to understand the life of that era, learn about rituals and beliefs. Here you can even try dishes from the Viking age: soup, freshly baked bread, green salads, sausage and fish.

It is an interesting place worthy of a separate publication, I want to introduce you the photos of one event that occurred in Njardarheim.

The author of these photos is a British photographer Paul Edmundson. At the age of 16 he went to Norway and had been travelling around the country for 12 years. His beautiful scenic photos show the true beauty of the Northern country.

Here are some of his artistic photographs with its extraordinary beautiful landscapes of the Northern country:

Wedding in Viking style.

Gustavo and Fanny have an interesting hobby, they promised each other that they would have weddings in every country they visit together. Since then, partners have repeated words of love and loyalty in India, Miami, on the Turks and Caicos Islands, Antigua. This time they came to Norway, where they decided to get married in the Viking style on the background of amazing nature in Gudvangen. A wonderful place: crystal clear water, mountains aspiring to the sky, colorful costumes of Viking time.

In the valley — a real feast, the guests dressed in national costumes and other details (buckles, buttons, decorations — everything is done the way it was done hundreds of years ago in a Viking stand).

The bride's dress should be dark.

The bride is given a bunch of keys to all the buildings, because she becomes the mistress of the estate. The keychain had always been the mistress, only she was a sovereign ruler of the estate to slove all economic issues (provision of food and cooking, cleaning, mending dresses, textile and knitting).

According to the traditions of the Viking wedding, guests should create as much noise to ward off evil spirits and all sorts of misfortunes from the newlyweds as possible!

The wedding feast was only of local products, the food was served in pottery.