Why Do People Do Handicraft

Why do you need to do handicraft?

We rarely ask ourselves this question when we pick up a needle and thread or other tools for handicraft. We just do what we love, rarely thinking about benefits. We, people, want to create something and please others.

What motivates us to take up tools and start creating?

Fight stress and everyday routine.

Handiwork helps to get away from problems at work or in the family. You direct your thoughts to the creation of the product: what fabrics to use, what threads to choose, what beads to sew and much more. And then you do not even notice how unpleasant and gloomy thoughts are replaced by fantasies about the future product. You sew a bright dress, so that the weather outside does not seem so cloudy, make the application of the sea, which you dream to visit or the sun, because it raises the mood. How can nice and beautiful things make us depressed?

Handiwork as an expression of love and care for their loved ones.

Since ancient times, Chinese handicraft had been called "mother's art". With the help of their products caring mothers expressed their love for children. They made appliqués of tigers on a blanket and hoped that they would protect their children from evil spirits, embroidered dragons, which, according to legend, bring good luck. We also put our soul and a part of ourselves in the products that we make for loved ones. First we think about them when we create things, and then they remember us when they touch or look at them.

Handiwork is another way to spend time with children.

As a child, I did not move a step away from my grandmother, who sheathed our entire family. I was fascinated by her smooth movements when she made neat stitches. And when I was allowed to sew the first button on the duvet cover, my delight knew no bounds. Many years later, history repeated itself. My niece has been interested in sewing since early childhood. What was my surprise when I once went into the room and saw that she clumsily sewed buttons on the curtains. I still wonder how she got stuck with a needle, because she was only five years old!

Handicraft is a great way to awaken your children's interest in creating something tangible, distract them from the computer or TV, spend time with them. Children are naturally very curious. They will not remain indifferent and will want to help you craft.

Handiwork gathers together.

Now it is easy to find colleagues on the Internet. Forums and blogs allow you to communicate and find new friends who are willing to share their experiences with tips and evaluate your work. It's so great to exchange embroidery schemes with a person who lives on the other side of the planet!

Combine business with pleasure.

Handiwork is a great solution for those who are tormented by conscience about the fruitless time spent. You can watch your favorite TV series with spokes in your hands. Unfortunately, I have no talent for knitting, but my sister, my niece's mother, can knit a scarf for a couple of episodes.

Handiwork is another way of self-expression.

Whatever the handiperson does, he/she has his/her own style, his/her own taste. And this is reflected in his/her work. Not all can talk about themselves beautifully. But with the help of works we can express our feelings, emotions, tastes and preferences. Sometimes a person does not know what talents and what imagination he/she has. We just need to start experimenting.

Handiwork kills boredom and broadens the mind.

If you are tired of loitering in the evenings, it's time to do handicraft. Crochet hook in hand and tangle as Ariadne's thread can take you to the fascinating labyrinths of the world of needlework. Studying patterns, getting acquainted with new techniques of knitting, embroidery, felting, we learn the history, biographies of famous craftspeople, study schemes, photos and everything connected with it. Needlework makes our lives more diverse, interesting and rich.

Handiwork is profitable.

Some handipeople find it hard to believe, but you can start selling what you have made. Touching, beautiful, neat, sometimes not very simple and amazing things — all of them can please someone else besides your mother. And someone will want to buy your work.