Variety of Paper Dolls

I'm a doll artist and collector. One of my hobbies is paper dolls.

As a child, paper dolls were one of my favorite hobbies. You could play with dolls and draw. You could draw dolls any clothes you like. Wether you want any casual outfit or ball gowns with lace and fluffy hairstyles. I let my imagination run wild and forgot about time so much, so that sometimes my parents had to stop my work late at night.

Naturally, like many girls, I was happy with any Soviet magazine with a paper doll. At home it was "Funny Pictures", "Murzilka", "Pioneer"... And my grandmother brought me dolls from magazines "Peasant" or "Worker".

Unfortunately, nothing remained safe because of endless moving. But nowadays nothing is impossible and everything can be found on the Internet. Just looking at the paper beauties brings pleasant memories or print them and enjoy the process of cutting them.
Plunged into the World Wide Web, I was very interested in what kind of paper dolls were in other countries, in other eras. When they appeared.

With the help of the same enthusiastic paper dolls people I have formed a small but very interesting collection of paper dolls. And I will introduce it to you gradually.

Here are some pictures to enjoy.
