How to Take Care of Light Leather Goods

Goods made of white or other light leather require special attention when it comes to cleaning. Light leather gets dirty faster than dark one, so it is necessary to carry out regular cleaning. Use a microfiber cloth to wipe a bag weekly.

Stains can be treated with diluted liquid soap, white shoe paint, baby powder or professional leather cleaner, depending on the type of a stain. When the bag is not in use, store it in a dust-free place, protected from direct sunlight.

Cleaning of light dirt

1. Wipe the bag once a week with a microfiber cloth. If your bag is fairly clean, use a dry microfiber cloth to remove minor dirt, then mix one or two drops of liquid soap and 250-300 ml of warm water. Slightly moisten the cloth with a solution and wipe dirt from leather.

2. Dry the surface immediately after wiping with a damp cloth. After using soap solution, wipe the surface with a dry microfiber cloth, so that no water remains on leather surface. Avoid using wet paper towels for this. Microfiber is a perfect material because it does not crumble and absorbs moisture quickly.

3. In order not to damage leather, always wipe a bag without pressing hard. Wipe in the same direction as leather grain. Be sure to wipe the parts you touch the most, such as handles, strap, zippers. These areas are easily soiled from the natural skin lubrication.

4. Do not use bleach, vinegar, or baby wipes. The chemicals contained in these products can damage the surface, dry leather and cause grease stains.

Stain removal

1. Remove the stain as soon as possible after it appears. Blot the stain with a dry microfiber cloth. You can have a small microfiber cloth at hand for emergencies.

2. Try white shoe polish for serious stains. This works particularly well on ink stains as they are very difficult to remove. Follow the instructions for using the cream.

3. If you find an oil stain on your leather bag, sprinkle baby powder on top of the stain to make it completely covered. Leave it overnight. The next day, brush off the baby powder with a dry microfiber cloth. The stain should disappear. If not, repeat the procedure and wait a day.

If the stain persists, you may have to use drycleaner`s survices.

4. Use professional leather cleaning products, such as foam cleaner for leather products. You can buy these specially designed products in shoe stores or special supermarket departments. Follow the instructions for use.

Daily care and storage

1. Do not touch the handbag after using lotion or hand cream. This is a very common cause of oil stains on leather products. When performing normal cleaning, check handles and fasteners especially as natural oils from your hands can also cause oil stains.

2. Keep your bag in a dust-free place when not in use. Dust can settle on white leather and affect its appearance. If a duster is attached to your leather bag, store the bag in it. If you do not have such a bag, an old pillowcase will do well.

3. Sun rays can damage leather surface. Make sure you store the product in a damp place without direct sunlight. Fill the handbag with paper during storage. This will help a leather bag to keep its original shape.