Turning a Plastic Photo Frame into a Vintage One

Let's transform a plastic photo frame and make it a vintage one. This frame without any decor does not suit the interior, and it is absolutely faceless, without mood... It is cheap and it is, so far, the only advantage. And now I'll show you how you can transform the frame in a very simple way.

You should have the following:

  • photo frame;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • brushes;
  • oil paint (raw umber, Leningradskaya);
  • paper napkin;
  • acrylic paint (I have three colors: gray linen, hemp and white).

Choose the paints matching the tone of the picture, which will be inserted into the frame.

Undo the photo frame. Free it from the inserts.

Now the frame must be sanded. I have a convenient abrasive brick, so I use it.
Remove the glossy layer for better adhesion of the paint to the surface. You can use a primer spray for plastic, very convenient, but it is necessary to have a suitable room.

Apply the first coat of paint. I use a synthetic brush, it distributes the paint evenly and thinly.
Do not dilute the paint, it should be thick throughout the work.
The second layer is applied with a bristly brush, for a more visible texture. Each layer should be well dried, you can use a hair dryer. The first and second layers are light.

The third layer is dark, apply it with bristly brush, in short strokes chaotically. Color: gray linen.

The final layer of paint is white. Do not cover tightly! Apply it with bristly brush, in chaotic strokes. Dry.

Then sand it carefully, without pushing strongly, erase the layer of white paint, and gray in the brightest places.

Now the work is varnished. I use acrylic mat varnish. Dry well.
And at the end...
Apply the paint with flat brush into the grooves, gently, making oil paint "dirty" (umber, Leningradskaya).

Remove extra with a napkin.

In hard-to-reach places, wash excess oil paint with a cloth wound on a toothpick.

Now admire the result!

Look at the frames in different color :)