Butterflies the Way Nobody Sees Them: Incredible Macro Photoshoot by Chris Perani

Butterfly wings are a symbol of fleeting, elusive beauty. Butterflies are not like other insects: an incredible variety of colors, patterns and their combinations are rather rare for representatives of one group of wildlife. Probably, that is why butterflies and moths are an enduring source of inspiration for creative people around the world.

Chris Perani, a photographer, decided to get closer to the beautiful, capturing fragile wings as close as possible. For the shoot, he used a micro lens with 10X zoom, which is installed on top of 200 mm lens. During the process, the photographer meticulously captured each section of the wing, achieving incredible depth and sharpness of shots. There are about 2,000 pictures for each butterfly, which Chris then combines into one single shot. The photographer admits that it is more like collecting a puzzle from a thousand pieces.

Ready photos are a real kaleidoscope of colors and textures. In the first shot, you can see tropical fish scales, in the second — the feathers of strange birds, and bright embroidery, gold thread, sequins in the third one!

I would like to share this inspiration with you. Enjoy browsing! :)