From Old to New, from Useless to Useful

From old to new, from useless to useful, this idea formed the basis of upcycling. Nowadays, it is hard to surprise someone in Europe with upcycling. It is very popular and developed. In many cities, there are stores where you can buy designer remade shoes, clothes and various household items, furniture and so on. Upcycling is a mechanism of reviving old things, the cycle of things. According to the principle of upcycling, old things or their elements are used to create new things what helps to prolong the life of things and reduce their harmful environmental impact. Upcycling does not require complete recycling of old things to create new materials, and it saves electricity, fresh water and other resources. Therefore, if we cannot stand alone against such global problems as climate change on the planet and the depletion of minerals, but we can try ourselves in such an accessible direction as upcycling. Thus, everyone is able to make a contribution to protect environment and his/her own budget, cleen your apartment from unnecessary things and try yourself as a designer!

Today I suggest looking at the ideas of creating home textiles from used things that everyone has at home. It is very simple for the most inexperienced or lazy people and a great opportunity to do something with children.

Cushion covers from old shirts.

Or jeans. I know that many may dislike that. But what can we do if jeans are so versatile?

For brand fans.

Or you can take your old sweater. It's a winter option — warm and cozy.

Or other garments.

Who said that pillows should only be square or rectangular? Round ones also look attractive.

Former household items made with our own hands or the hands of our beloved ones, but which are old morally. Like an embroidered tablecloth, the table will look old-fashioned with it, and you cannot throw it away. So, these things are stored for years in the linen closet. Why not give everyone the opportunity to admire them by sewing decorative pillowcases?