Unusual Use of Crocheted Doilies by the French Artist Maillo as Inspiration for Creativity

Do you like openwork crocheted doilies? Oh, yes, I love them too, especially to crochet them, and sometimes I crochet a test pattern and make a doily of it. For many years of this practice I have accumulated a whole box of colorful cotton doilies, I also gave away so many of them — simple doilies and in the form of openwork Christmas balls! And it's a pity that the doilies are in a box and no one will see them, and you can't hang on a wall too many of them.

Surfing the Internet, to my great happiness, I came across a boutique by the French artist and designer Mailo.

Words fail to convey my admiration of this magnificence! It is a very unusual use of crocheted doilies in the beautiful, skilful performance of the French artist Maillo.

I had an idea to crochet balls, a chandelier for home, but I didn' have enough determination and further progress in decorating was not seen — there was no fantasy. A single chandelier out of doilies was not enough, I had to develop the decoration, and everything stopped at this stage. I could not see the complete picture, although intuitively, on my sensations, there was a desire to create, but doubts overcame me.

Thanks to the Mailo's boutique, thoughts on the home decor with doilies became more constructive and creative and transformed into a picture.

My dear ones, I wish you a rainbow of creativity and good inspiration!