Secrets of the Magical Forest: Incredible Costumes by Agnieszka Osipa

The Polish designer Agnieszka Osipa can make a fairy tale come true: just give this talented girl a lot of fabrics, beads, pearls and a couple of weeks of free time!

Agnieszka is a graduate of the The Academy of Fine Art in Łódź. She began to make her first costumes during the last year at academy, and after graduation she continued to "pursue her profession". The Slavic style with a permanent tinge of something mysterious and mystical became the hallmark of the designer. That is not surprising: she admits that she gets inspiration in music of a very specific genre — dark folk, pagan ambient and folk metal that combine folk and Gothic motifs.

Agnieszka skillfully converts folklore forms in unique outfits with layered, whimsical and expertly executed embroidery. She makes all the dresses and accessories entirely by hand, so to make only one kokoshnik she can spend two weeks or more — it all depends on the design and idea.

For example, here's the crown that she called "the quickest work order" — it took only two and a half days of continuous work:

"What I really like is to go my own way, without the help of drawings and sketches," says Agnieszka. "Adding a stroke by stroke in the chase for a perfect result, as sculptors so."

You can admire the magical works of the artisan:

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