DIY Christmas Decorations in the Eco-style

Previously I told you how to make a fireplace imitation here. Now let's talk about how to put it in a composition. As any amateur hamster-craftsman I had baskets, bleached cones, chestnuts, pieces of canvas, guipure ribbons, beads in stock. Maybe this is reminiscent of the rustic style, but the name "eco" is quite suitable.
I think that a wreath is a symbol of the holiday, in addition to a Christmas tree. I made a wreath of bush branches, they were dry and I soaked them to bend them, not brake.

I sprinkled them with a can of paint and put on balls.

I added a couple of ribbons, and it immediately became more beautiful.

I made illuminated balls. I used balloons, white glue and Iris thread. I coated the balls with a thin layer of white glue and in a chaotic manner wrapped the balls with thread.

You do not need to wrap the ball completely, it must stand. The balls dried on a radiator for one night, then I blew out the balls and removed the "cloth".

I originally planned to highlight them with a garland, but I hadn't found a candle garland with batteries at the market.

I made the toys by myself, I liked the idea of combining different materials. I took a piece of tulle (scraps are cheap), the remains of canvas ribbon, beads, various metal pendants.

You don't need to sew neatly, on the contrary, negligence is welcomed. Here is the reverse side of the "heart":

And here it is already decorated with a piece of cloth, that once were given to me by a friend, and with one of the flowers from my mother's blouse which I stored in my jewelry box for 15 years! I also sewed a pouch, you can put something inside for volume, but I have an empty pouch.

The heart below is more beautiful, I found flowers of self-hardening plastic which I made, I used to make barrettes, and the cells are filled with seed beads, the contour of the piece is made of tulle.

I used a piece of beautiful cotton with birds, it is also a hundred years. The white bird is also made of a piece of fabric with canvas for rigidity.

I made this angel completely intuitively, an image of this doll appeared in my head. For the head I used a walnut, and I found a golden ribbon, the arms were made of a piece of cotton rolled into a tube and the wings were made of a piece of eyelet, I knitted the hands so that they don't look in different directions, I came up with the idea to hang a bird.

On the wall I put on a thread the cones that I bleached last year, gingerbread cookies and dried slices of citrus. I dried them for autumn compositions. Here's how they look up close.

Here is a ginger bird, a hole for thread I made before baking.

At home I also found a horseshoe gift, small toys, baskets, a pouch. A white frame with photos of my parents and their parents was also in the same theme, my sister gave me a piece of hide, the son artistically scattered books.

Hope you enjoyed the article and some of ideas will come in handy.