Watercolor Tutorial — Painting a Tit

Today I propose to paint a tit.
You will need:

  • a sheet of dense paper, preferably watercolor paper — A5;
  • a squirrel brush №5 and №3;
  • a lead pencil;
  • an eraser;
  • watercolor;
  • a palette;
  • a jar for water;
  • cloth to wipe the brush.

Let's get started.
Step by step draw a tit with a pencil.
Do not strongly press the pencil, the line should be almost invisible.
1. Let's start with the shape of the body, it looks like irregular oval.

2. Next, draw the beak, the eye and the tail. The eye is a small bead, the beak is a triangle divided in half, the tail is a few long strips.

3. We complete the work with a pencil by drawing the paws, the wing and the remaining parts. The feet look like thin branches.

4. If you painted very brightly, use an eraser to make the bright and rough lines lighter.
So let's get to work in color:
1. Slightly moisten the picture with a brush.
2. We start with a pure yellow color. This color is applied to the breast. Don't worry if the paint spreads out, press the brush on it and collect the excess paint.

3. Next, we use gray-brown color. To make this color add some black paint to brown paint. The color is applied to the wing, the feet, the tail, the beak and the belly. This is best done with a thin brush.

4. The next phase is purple. Dilute the purple color with some water, we will paint with it almost the whole bird where there are white spaces, make pointing brush strokes.

5. The next color is blue. We apply it to the head, the breast, a little on the wing and the eye.

6. Now we will paint in black. We accent the beak, the eye and paint the wing and the stripe on the breast. Also add some black color to the tail and the feet.

7. The work came to completion. We just need to paint a branch and make the background. The twig is a simple brown stripe with the addition of purple. You can make your own background, in this case I used a heavily diluted blue color, and when the work dried up I made darker blue and yellow sprays.

That's all, the work is completed. Thank you for your attention!