DIY 'Russian Winter' Sledge

The video has all the description, but just in case I will repeat the process here.

We will need:

  • a Christmas sledge blank;
  • acrylic paints (including fluorescent paints);
  • one-step craquele lacquer;
  • gold contour;
  • contours with glitters, 3D gel with glitters;
  • a brush, a sponge;
  • stencils (I had a large stencil with churches and a large stencil with monograms of Barocci and a small stencil by Decoritti).

1. Disassemble the workpiece into parts and prime the inner sides blue and the outer sides white or beige.
I choose covering paints that do not require prior priming of plywood.

2. Thoroughly dry.

3. Put BRIGHT paints (including fluorescent) on a palette.

4. Apply the stencil on the (white) side of the sledge and using a stiff brush or a sponge "drive" the bright paints through the stencil.

5. For the back and the front (white) side of the sledge we will use small stencils and gold acrylic paint.

6. Thoroughly dry.

7. Apply one-step craquele lacquer around the stenciled drawings to the background.

8. Dry.

9. Apply blue paint over the craquele lacquer (I used two shades of blue — BLUE by Ladoga and ULTRAMARINE by Polycolor).

10. Thoroughly dry.

11. Apply a stencil with monograms and using white or beige paint transfer ONLY THE BLUE BACKGROUND.

12. Start working with contours:

Outline all stencil designs with temples with gold contour, use contours with glitters to decorate monograms and the fragments of the temples with points.

13. If you want to glue rhinestones, do not hesitate!

14. Process the edges of the workpiece with "a dry sponge" with white or beige paint, "snow" the sledge so to speak.

15. Assemble the blank.

16. Apply 3D gel with glitters on the inner (blue) part of the sledge.