When You Have Gifted Hands or Where to Find the Ideas for the Usual Things Alteration?

After all, no wonder that I say all the time: "The Internet is a great power." It is difficult to imagine how we lived without it! Thanks to it we can share knowledge, ideas, workshops, etc. We can meet and communicate with each other there. Thanks to it I can see and admire what the hands and minds of mankind make.

Oh, I can't say I have hands for boredom. But some works of other artisans are simply amazing! I am impressed not by the product but by the fact that they "came" to this! Each of us can take some scrap materials and throw or hide them in a far corner, or make unique things that not only improve our daily life, but also please the eye with their originality and uniqueness.

I suggest just to look at them, perhaps each of you can take notes and make something similar fro your home. I hope that someone will share the pictures of the original things that were made by themselves or by their family member!

Thank you for taking the time to read and I wish you pleasant viewing!