Remake or Burn? A New Life of Old Furniture

By the nature of my activity I often visit the stores that sell vintage and antique things, things that have been in use, but also very suitable for re-use. I paid attention to the fact that during the sale of a product, it is weighed on scales and these data are entered in a special notebook. Why? The answer was not long in coming. In the beginning of the year in one of the city newspapers an enthusiastic article about the outcome of one of these stores appeared and there were the figures which spoke for themselves.

In the European Union there are about 2 billion tons of garbage, equivalent to 400 kg for one person annually. Only the fifth part of these is food, the rest is garbage and things that can be reused.

For 6 years of the existence of that small shop, about which the newspaper wrote, they sold 35 tons of products for reuse. This is not a shop with second-hand clothes, where the number of sales by weight can be achieved very quickly. It is a small, cute and cozy vintage boutique, the range of which includes many things in small amounts: porcelain and other utensils, a few books, sewed items, which are made of old clothes (bags, aprons, pillows, purses, cosmetic pouches...), bags and quite a few clothes... Only for the past year, the store took from the population about 12 tons of products as a gift.

Long ago major supermarkets refused to offer free plastic bags to customers, replaced them with paper bags. And this is their contribution to the environment protection.

This topic is very relevant, and each of us must consider what to do in this direction.

In this post I will offer you options of reusing larger and more bulky interior items such as outdated furniture, windows and doors that are already out of fashion, but in the hands of an artisan they can be born again in an updated form. This is just ideas, everyone can refine and improve them.

Take a look and decide for yourself...

A new life of old doors.

Old dressers.

Our pets are not forgotten.

Or decorate an old dresser, like I did:)

You can still find a good use for drawers from dressers.

Old bed in a new way.

Window shutters in the form of shelves.



For cooling drinks. I hope this is not a former toilet of the father of an English queen:)

A dog's breakfast buffet:)

The theme of alteration of an iron table for a sewing machine is not new, but I will remind you of it anyway...

Thank you for viewing to the end.

Make conclusions yourself...

I wish all artisans creative success!