How to Paint a Watercolor Fox Portrait

I love to paint animals with different materials, pencils, oil paints, watercolors. This video tutorial shows how to paint a watercolor portrait of a fox. The video is accompanied by my small comments during the execution. The customer chose a photo of a charming fox as a pair for a wolf. I liked a very characteristic expression of the animal.

Traditionally, for the work I took the Russian paper 280 g, 70% cotton. I drew a portrait on whatman paper and then using tracing paper transferred the painting to watercolor paper. I prepared the paper for the work. The most part of the work is done on wet paper. Soft brush strokes create the illusion of fur. Background is painted on wet paper, quickly, relatively. And when you need to paint the eyes and the nose, do it on dry paper. I add small details with white gouache. The highlights on individual hairs of the fur. I paint in detail the fir needles that are closer to the muzzle. It is the center of the composition. I direct all attention there, closer to the eyes.