White Color of Clothes

White clothes looks very nice on women and men. Since ancient times, people have had to work hard to achieve the dazzling white color. The canvases were left to fade in the sun to remove the traces of natural dyes. Then people made clothes of these canvases, which was very expensive, it was not available to all, and people used to wear it only on holidays. White color is considered to be a symbol of innocence, spirituality, purity, and freedom. Only the upper class could wear white clothes. Priests personified divine force wearing white.

White is the color of brides. It is believed that the white color symbolizes virginity of the bride. And though this custom has not been supported by moral values of modern society for a long time, yet it is considered to be the main color of almost any wedding.

Color accompanies us everywhere. Scientists have long proved the effect of color on our emotions, body and its functions. Choosing clothes, we must learn to see how it affects not only our mood, but mood of other people. So you need to try to figure out what color of clothing is suitable for different events.

How to use white color in clothing?

Physiological properties of the white color create an illusion of expanding space. For women with deficiency of weight it will add a few visual pounds where they are really needed. Women with a bigger constitution can also easily wear clothes of white color but in the appropriate combination with other colors.

What other colors does the white color combine with?

As a rule, the choice of color depends not only on psychological state of the person. Age plays an important role. Young at heart people want to wear bright saturated colors and vice versa. But the big advantage lies in particular versatility of the white color that is suitable for people of any age.

It is refreshing and reassuring when combined with bright colors: blue, red, green, yellow. Such combinations are perfect for walking, meetings with friends, going to the cinema and informal parties. If you use these colors in a more elegant combination, for example, a bright pencil skirt and a white top, this set will be perfect not only for daytime visits, but also for work, of course, if you do not have a dress code at work.

The white color is versatile and blends with all colors. Choosing the color of your wardrobe, think not only about how a particular model fits you, but also correlate it with your goals. People in white are perceived as friendly and truthful. So if you want to gain someone's trust, or make a good impression, white clothes will help you a lot.

Knitted white clothes looks great!

Stylists recommend to wear white all year round, regardless of weather and other natural disasters. But summer is literally created for white color. Do not forget that thanks to its versatility the white color in clothes can easily compete with the black color: it is also appropriate everywhere and in any style.