Knitters from All over the World Visiting the Loch Ness Monster: Loch Ness Knit Fest 2018 through Guests' Eyes

From the 19th to the 21st of October Iverness, Scotland, hosted the third annual Loch Ness Fest, which has already become a cult event in the world of needlework. The extensive program included more than 30 seminars and lessons by famous artisans. Interesting lessons could be chosen by experienced hand-made artisans and by beginners in knitting, and the producers of wool and yarn presented their best products.

The event carries not only practical value — a lot of attention is paid to the culture and the history of Scotland: there were vicinity excursions, traditional cuisine and folk music.

This handmade card appeared at the local airport long before the opening of the festival:

This year the event was attended by about 2,000 guests.

The symbols of the festival — knitted Loch Ness monsters:

But the main attraction (besides Nessie) was the Inverness Castle:

Shows of hand-made products during the festival:

The variety of colors on the fair of the festival:

Lessons for any level:

Some stands with samples:

This knitted bike became one of the symbols of the festival:

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