Life of Amanita Aesthets: Amazing Characters by Yinyue Duzii
  • Category: Ideas & Inspiration
  • Practices: Felting

The Chinese craftswoman Yinyue Duzii makes toys of felt and textile. Her most popular works are Amanitas people: they are dressed in simple traditional costumes, these characters with a mushroom hat instead of a head do not leave the audience indifferent. The craftswoman has a lot of fans around the world and her creations have already settled in different countries.

When you come on such a meeting, it is kind of uncomfortable:

Sometimes they go on a journey:

In addition to the "full-sized" characters the craftswoman has a "Mushroom escape" series with young Amanitas on legs:

More photos of the workshop and the working process:

Yinyue Duzii also makes usual (what else can we say after what we have seen?) realistic mushrooms of felt:

But sometimes her creations are of very large sizes:

And here are the other toys by the artisan:

But finally, we will look at little Amanitas that fit every taste :)