How to Make Snowflakes of Packaging Materials

My friends, the New Year hassle will start soon — it is just around the corner! I want to introduce you my DIY on making snowflakes from packaging materials. It is the thin transparent plastic that is often used in packing toys, cosmetics, equipment and so on. It is a very low-budget decor, but it looks beautiful, airy and stylish.

1. Prepare the required materials and tools. I use thin transparent plastic from the package — a box with toys, a box with transparent front walls, etc. I make the snowflake pattern with a contoured white acrylic paint. I made a hanging garland of finished snowflakes so I needed crystal beads. I use black permanent marker (thin) for the template on plastic. I use nail enamel remover to erase permanent marker if necessary. You will also need: scissors, an awl and fishing line.

2. Let's get started. Print out the template. I have a snowflake 9x9 cm.

3. Put the plastic on top and contour it with a permanent marker by the edges of the snowflake.

4. Carefully cut along the edge with nail scissors.

5. Now take white acrylic contour and draw the figure of a snowflake. The pattern can be varied and unique. Then wait for the complete drying of the drawing.

6. Create 4-5 pieces of snowflakes and proceed to making a garland. Pierce holes in the right places with an awl. Make a garland of fishing line: snowflake — crystal — snowflake...

7. You can use a bigger crystal in the end.

8. And here's what we get:

Thank you for your attention! Hope you like my idea!