Double Stroke or One Stroke Painting on a "Rose" Christmas Ball

Some of you write that it is impossible to learn a technique using demonstration DIYs. So I decided to support these people and today I will share with you one stroke painting technique and double stroke painting technique. I don't understand why different people call them differently... From the point of technique and work they are the same.

Below you will find a video with the following structure:

  • Some information on painting.
  • The basic techniques that we will need for painting the roses.
  • Examples.

Materials used:

  • a Christmas ball;
  • acrylic paint Enamel FolkArt Plaid;
  • a Craft 3D glitter Ferrario contour.

Hope that you liked it. Write in comments how else can I share my experience with you! :)

Thanks for watching!

Sincerely yours,
