A Lifehack How to Make a Toggle Clasp out of Wire When You Lack Craft Supplies

This lifehack will show you how to make a toggle clasp when you suddenly find out that you lack it in your home craft supplies and it's late to shop :)

You need:

- wire thickness 20 Ga (about 0.8 mm)

- wire thickness 26 Ga (about 0.4 mm)

- cutters

- round-nose pliers

- nail file

- a cylindrical object of suitable diameter

- ruler

Make a loop:

Process the tips to make them smooth:

And make such a curve:

Decorate the base:

The decoration is ready!

The wire at the top is cut off, smoothed and curved with the pliers.

To make the second part of the clasp, measure its necessary length:

Bend it this way:

And decorate:

Curve one part:

And another:

The clasp is ready! :)

Use it in your handiwork!)