The Spirit of the Prairie: Creating a Look in the Indian Style

One of the most popular types of the folk style is the style of North American Indians. Hippies were the first who massively popularized the style. Currently, native American motifs attract attention on the wave of demand for the boho style.

Why is the Indian style so attractive? A cultural code for native American tribes is the idea of nature as a spiritualized environment, permeated by the presence of the Great Spirit. The main task of a human being is the maintenance of the existing natural order, balance and harmony. The belief in the animate forces of nature and the totemism come out of there. This is why we see an abundance of feathers, jewelry, tails, claws, and fangs. These attributes had magical power passing from the animal to his admirer.
Enjoy the selection and get inspired! :)

Dramatic images on Indian style is very popular:

The most widespread and popular style found in the United States that naturally. Promoter Indian style has become the American fashion house Ralph Lauren. Style indigenous peoples of the Americas is a frequent guest and in the collections of the European fashion houses such as Chanel, Gucci, Hermes, Etro, Valentino, Roberto Cavalli. Many brands of designer clothing on the wave of demand for design, saturate the market Indian prints and paraphernalia.

Ralph Lauren

Ralph Lauren









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