Patchwork Fabric with Unique Pattern out of Scraps

Today I will tell you how to create patchwork fabric out of scraps with your own hands. Every seamstress has a lot of scraps that you feel pity to throw away but are actually useless :)

I will tell you how to find a use for those little scraps of fabric.

You need:

1. Scraps of fabric.

2. Any fabric for the base.

3. Fusible webbing.

4. Tulle or organza.

5. Threads of various colours.

6. Baking paper.
Make a sandwich: base > webbing > scraps > floss

Put the tulle over:

Put the backing paper and start ironing:

Remove the paper and tulle and stitch the blank:

Here is the backside:

Our patchwork is finished!

Pleasant viewing and creative success.

Sincerely yours,