Wooden Soles Became a TOP Trend of a Chinese Brand

Chinese designer Yvon Yang suggested wearing summer shoes... with wooden heels and platforms. Minimalism, eco-friendly materials and high soles are at the peak this year and shoes with a wooden base became the main trend of this fashion brand.

Designer Yvon Yang graduated from Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2008, and now his brand is specialized in creating eco-friendly shoes. Soles made out of wood are handmade, each has a unique pattern of wood rings clearly visible on the material even after the repeated testing by the urban environment like constant drying and deformation. Yang has combined modern technology and ancient traditions — wooden soles on the East have long been used for geta sandals.

The characteristic features of the brand are intricate forms of heels: a sphere, polyhedron, trapezoid, and the use of leather. Interestingly, the original texture of the wood follows the shape of each model, emphasizes the dynamics or statics of its lines.