British Knitters Banded Together to Help Those in Need

British hand knitting Association UKHKA has announced the launch of the Commit to Knit 2018 campaign calling upon knitters and crocheters to create products and donate them to charity.

In the UK, six million people know how to knit or crochet. If each of them made one thing, it would give a huge boost to collect money from sales and ship warm clothing and blankets to charities, distribute to the needy abroad. UKHKA is a non-profit British organisation promoting hand knitting in the UK. The event takes place in September 2018. Last year, these blankets were a success:

The organizing team has posted seven free specially designed schemes on their website like a blanket, gloves, hat, Christmas stockings and a cute Teddy, a courtesy of blogger Emma Varnam:

Some participants are already getting prepared for the event: