How to Sew an Envelope for Travellers

The envelope is sewn very easily, so the project is good for beginners, too.

To sew an envelope for travellers 23.5 x 14.5 cm, you need:

- 2 pieces of fabric (main and lining) 42 x 25 cm

- a piece of fusible webbing 42 x 25 cm

- threads

- pins, scissors

- sewing machine

- magnetic button

- two felt rectangle 1.5 x 2 cm

- a stripe and/or a bead for decoration, if you wish

The main detail is glued to the webbing.
The magnetic button is attached 4 cm below the edge. Remember to add felt between the button and the fabric!

Stitch around the edge:

Cut off the corners, turn outside in.

Insert the second half of the button.

Stitch around the edge again:

All is ready!