The Romanians Took Revenge over Dior and Created a Brand of Folk Clothes

Fashion brands often become victims of other brands or artists when it's about original author's findings. Such 'borrowing' has not been spared by a small Romanian region of Bihor — their folk costumes became the prototypes for some Dior outfits in 2017. A local dynamic group has decided to take a revenge.

The prefall Dior collection 2017 presented coats and waistcoats that were almost copied from the traditional Bihor clothing. The famous fashion house now sells these things for thirty thousand euros, whereas no cent from these sums is sent to the community of Bihor because Dior didn't mention the source of inspiration officially.

And an ingenious way out was found to deal with the assignment of cultural heritage. Romanian fashion magazine Beau Monde has launched a campaign this April: local designers and craftsmen have created their own fashion brand Bihor Couture to make things right and maintain traditions. The project allows anyone to buy authentic traditional Bihor clothing at a much lower price and pay the work of local authors.

In May 2018, one of Bihor craftswomen visited the Fashion Week in Paris: