How to Decorate a Table in the Tilda Style

Dear craftsmen! Lovers of vintage and soulful things!

Today I offer you to create an unusual decor of a bedside table that is quite simply implemented.
I want to show you how easy it is to work with ceramic tiles, how to reallistically make a surface shabby using a one-step craquelure and a decoupage card.

First, sand the surface:

Sand the tiles, too, wipe them and degrease.

Then prime the blank with acrylic prime and varnish mixed 1:1. Then prime each tile separately.

And proceed to decorate! I selected a decoupage card to beautify the tiles.

Mark a card to cut it into squares of the same size as the tiles. Make the back side rough with painting tape and iron:

Then soak the squares in warm water for 2-3minutes:

Dry with a napkin and glue to the tiles this way, remove all bubbles:

Let the blank dry, perfect the edges:

To age the tiles, I mixed paint: Turquoise, Raw Umber, Titanium White and Naples Yellow. And applied somу paint around the edges. It's not a colour, it's just a thin shade of a colour, so use water to dilute the paint and make it thinner:

Decorate the edge with a template and textureв paste:

Varnish the edges:

Paint them:

Apply crackles with a sponge:

When the surface is dry, sand it:

And use a dry brush to apply a light paint over the textured paste:

I also added stripes:

Decorate the drawer, use the decoupage cards and paint:

A template:

Draw some flowers:

Age the drawer:

See the beauty you get :)

Some more decorations:

Wow! It's almost done! It's only left to varnish the work. Two layers are enough :)

Admire your own handmade bedside table! :)

Mary Nett