Painting Forget-me-Nots with Oil on Canvas

You need:

1. Synthetic brushes for fine details, they are soft, flexible, hold their shape well and have a 'predictable' dab.

2. Ordinary rectangular bristle brushes.

3 Goat and pony brushes. They create a smooth transfer between the patches of applied paint.

4. For large areas of paint:

5. Palette knife — they provide a good thin line:

6. Paints: titanium white, cadmium lemon, cadmium yellow medium, Naples yellow, cadmium orange, raw Sienna, grass green, the oxide of chromium, sky blue, dark ultramarine, light violet, Mars orange transparent, ivory black.

7. Makeup sticks:

8. And yet, a pear palette.

First, coat the canvas with linseed oil. Apply paint on the darkest parts — brown and green stems:

Draw the vase circle and quickly apply flowers — they should be light on the light and dark in the shade:

Quickly apply the background:

And clarify the shadows:

Flowers should be revealing from under the background. Add light to the flowers where necessary:

Smooth everything:

Shape the vase:

Add leaves:

Add details to the front flowers:


Make the shape of the flowers:

Add lights and shades:

Add the hearts:

Paint a reflex on the vase:

Emphasize some petals with sticks:

The bouquet is ready!

Leave the picture to dry. It's completely dry in six months: