Making a Brooch Frame out of Cotton for an Embroidery

If you want to make a brooch out of an embroidery, there's a good idea how to frame it.

You need:

  1. Your embroidery.
  2. Cotton fabric for patchwork.
  3. 5 mm cord.
  4. Czech beads No. 10.
  5. Threads or monofilament.
  6. Moment Crystal Glue.
  7. Needles, scissors; a pencil.
  8. Thick cardboard, thick leather or suede, a brooch pin.

1. My embroidery is 5 cm.

2. The secret of beautiful, smooth frames — thin but dense fabric cut on the bias thread.

3. Fold it and start basting:

Overlap it at 1-1.5 cm.

4. Add the cord and glue it:

5. Gently wrap the cloth around the cord:

6. You can prepare a set of materials for decoration:

Now glue the cardboard and leather/sued to the backside:

Remember to add the pin:


And some more examples of my textile brooches:

Thank you for your attention!