My Workshop and Head: Sharing Personal Order Lifehacks

I want to share with you my personal experience how I maintain order in my studio and house.

The idea to write this article arose when I saw the showering word 'order' in comments to my post about my doll workshop.It was a little surprising since I got used to this kind of space keeping and can't imagine how else this all might work.

My principles of order can come in handy in any place (apartment, garage, storage room and so on).

Step 1 — check all the supplies. Very important! At a time! The question is always — how can I throw it away? It's impossible! I have 3 tons of supplies, a hungry husband, child, cat and a parrot... If the resistance is strong, just give up reading the article, it will not help you. If you desire to bring order still remains, move on.

Why all at once? Because one usually has many hamster holes where one and the same category of things is lurking.

Get out all tools, mechanisms, devices and fixtures out of boxes and bags.

Next, take each thing in your hands (important!), carefully look at it, remember when you used it last time, analyze whether you like it. Maybe you will find 10 scissors, 5 pliers, 7 rulers, etc. But do you really need them all? Hold every thing in hands, analyze. Choose the only and best one tool you love form the pile of the same tools.

Prepare a box (bag) for all you don't need, and put all stuff inside. Sorted out? Well done, move on.

Pass to materials. The scheme is similar. Collect pieces of cloth and fabric from all corners and remove the junk in a separate box. Lace, buttons, ribbons, buttons etc. Each category is looked through separately.

Perhaps, you have different categories of things, sort them through by the principle need it or not.

Usually, a needlewoman needs all. Maybe I can use this bead, these needles and a pencil in five years, and you actually need it all. But until you don't get rid of the rubbish, you will have no order, unfortunately. It is important not to lose common sense. I keep only those things that make me happy. Yes, I can stay untouched for 3-4 years, but I madly love them. If I see materials that got by accident, or materials that are no longer in use, they move into the very same box.

Now think what to do with the stuff in the common box. Depending on the value of the things, I sell them or give gratuitously or throw away with my eyes closed :)

If you feel that you still need all this, pack and remove in the pantry, a faraway corner, etc. For conscience' sake. In a year, you'll find a way to apply it all.

The next step. You need to evaluate the ergonomics of your workplace. All you use often is placed 'at hand'. That what you take once a week, a month, remove away.

All the tools are in a basket on the table.

The materials are distributed in boxes. Many materials — a big box, little — a little box.

Be constantly in search of different life hacks to store things.

Distribute all the supplies at their storages. Breath out. Go to have a tea, strike the cat, feed the parrot...

The most important work has been done.

Then just keep the order. At any time of the day when I decide that the work is over for today, I put the tools in their basket, the work and materials to another. My desk is clean and free and everything is in its place.

When a doll is completely sewn, I can take the remains of materials into boxes and baskets.

Buy things that you truly enjoy. One expensive but of high quality and beautiful. Then the less chance that the house will be stuffed with things that lie idle over the years.

Make a spring clean at once, surround yourself with things you like, organize an ergonomic space and remember to maintain order.

Do you have any special ways of restoring order? Share. Very interesting! Especially about storage lifehacks.