Wabi-Sabi for Knowing Your Way Around

This publication is about the philosophy of a personal space.

Wabi-Sabi is a Japanese word standing for 'modest simplicity'; wabi = 'unpretentious simplicity' + sabi = 'the touch of antiquity; the tranquillity of solitude'. 'Wabi' is associated with modesty, loneliness, and inner strength, and 'sabi' — archaic, genuineness, authenticity.

The amazing Japanese philosophy is based on the knowledge of three simple realities:

  • nothing lasts forever,
  • nothing is finished,
  • and nothing's perfect.

It is said that wabi-sabi is a new word in the design world which teaches us to appreciate beauty in its transience and genuineness. Crumpled sheets, an old scratched table, blackened spoon with notches — in the opinion of the Japanese, such things have more value than the new ones because imperfections make each item unique.

Philosophy and aesthetics of wabi-sabi are clear and close not only to the Japanese — rejection of conspicuous luxury, non-circulation, and functionality and simplicity are becoming increasingly popular in Europe and the USA.