Getting Ready for Spring: A DIY Project on Creating a Felted Violet Brooch

I want to share a very simple tutorial on creating brooches out of felt. It is very easy and pleasant to work with felt. Rich colours allow you to create bright items.

MAterials and tools:

1. Green, violet and pink felt, the thickness of 1-2 mm.

2. Sharp scissors and a puncher in the shape of a rounded flower (you can do without it).

3. Green and yellow threads.

4. Large yellow beads.

5. Brooch pin.

6. Paper leaf and flower patterns.

Cut out flower blanks:

Punch one large blank and insert and sew the pin, embroider the second one:

Apply the flowers:

Sew them together using yellow beads:

What you get:

Glue the two sides together:

Embroider the edge using the blanket stitch:

That's all!
Use this basic knowledge to create beautiful handmade items out of felt :)

Good luck