Two in One, or the Secret of Hoops from Jessica Long

What can lure stronger then hooped fabric? Only double hooped fabric!

Jessica Long, a well-known needlewoman and blogger, embroiders in this technique. She used to work in a lab and was into painting — and then became a mother. According to her, the baby and the desire to create led her on a new path. For Jessica, a few bundles of embroidery threads and hooped canvas is a mobile, compact and relaxing hobby she can devote the time to while the baby sleeps.

One of the hallmarks of her works is double hoops. A piece of fabric is stretched between two frames, aligned, and the pleasant meditative process of embroidery with a satin stitch and French knot begins. After that, you can insert your favourite photo in the 'window'. Though, such works are self-sufficient and able to transform an interior with their luxurious festive look.