Creating a Folk Toy: Horse the Konyashka on a Stick

Since ancient times, the folk rag-doll was a traditional toy of the Russians, their helper and protector, a ritual symbol and a pledge of family happiness. They should have been made without needle and scissors, cloth and threads were torn.
To create a kids' horse toy on a stick, you need:

  • round stick (from ice cream) or pencil
  • a piece of cotton 20х24 cm
  • threads matching the cloth
  • polyester batting
  • knitting yarn for the mane (a beam 20 cm long)
  • lace for an apron
  • decorative ribbon

1-2. Roll the batting into sausage around the stick.

3. Fix it with tread, leaving the future head practically unfixed.

4. Make a knot.

5. Fix the cloth shaping the muzzle.

6. Shape the head.

7. Attach the mane.

8. Fluff the mane.

9. Make the mane the same way up to the end.
10. Attach the apron this way:

The horse is ready!

That is the toy our ancestors played with when being kids!