Trousers Styles Guide from Livemaster
  • Category: Fashion, Style & Trends
  • Practices: Sewing

We've recently learned types of skirts and now it's time for another important clothing — women's trousers. Trousers have been placed so firmly in the women's wardrobe that we've forgotten how hard it was for them to get there. But, surprisingly, their history dates back several centuries — they have, of course, appeared in the East, and remain in the industry of the Oriental fashion until now.

Trousers that now look as strict office clothes used to be provocative. Such famous beauties as Coco Chanel and Marlene Dietrich got their hands on its spread over fashion. By the way, trousers gained popularity also with the help of sports in general and cycling in particular.

We have prepared a nice and clear guide to the most popular trousers types. You can save it and share with your friends on social networks. Learn the names of favourite models and get new ideas. And remember to click 'Like'.