Painting a Bottle with The Tree of Life Image

The Tree of Life is a beautiful symbol of the world order in different mythologies. The roots of the Tree symbolize the kingdom of death, the trunk — our terrestrial life, and the branches are the abode of Gods.
This DIY shows in details how to depict the tree on a glass bottle.

You need the following materials:

  • flat glass bottle
  • acrylic paint for glass and ceramics (black, white, red, yellow)
  • round synthetic brush (approximately 3)
  • water
  • palette
  • alcohol and a cotton pad
  • glue solvent

To start, prepare the bottle. Soak the bottle in warm water for about 15 minutes and peel off labels. To remove glue from glass, you can use any special glue solvent. Then wipe the surface with alcohol to degrease it. So there will be a better adhesion of paint and the surface.

Draw the tree with a black thin marker. It can be easily erased at any time.

Add thin branches with patches of leaves and stones between the roots.

Draw the sunset. You can trace a round lid or something else.

And paint! You need water only to wash the brush.

Paint the crown now:

And the red sun:

Apply white curved lines to add volume:

Use white strokes on leaves and stones:

When the sun is dry, add shades of the red colour on it:

The stylish bottle is ready!

You can pour back some drink, sand or anything else :)

Thank you for your attention!