Learning to Paint a Witch Gingerbread with Icing

Halloween is comming, so much to prepare! Like presents to your family and guests. So here's a wonderful pretext to learn gingerbread painting.
You need:

- blank gingerbread

- icing

- brush

- food colouring

- food dust

1. Draw the outline with contour glaze of a yoghurt density.

2. Fill the background with the same glaze and lat it dry.

3. Draw a little witch with a thin brush and stencil or by hand.

4. Shade the middle part with an airbrush.

5. Prepare colour glaze, with a little weaker density: white, blue, red, beige, brown, green, grey, blue.

5. And paint!

7. Leave spaces for eyes.

8. Let all dry and then pour the eyes and nose. Leave to dry before adding details.

6. Draw the volume with paint or food dust for mastic.

And enjoy the result! Happy holliday! :)