Still Complain about the Weather? You Just Didn't Hear about Hygge

What is hygge?
The national philosophy of life, hygge, has been exsisting for three centuries by now. This means the priority of true values like the ability to enjoy simple everyday things, take care about your nearest and dearest. It is an art to create an aesthetic atmosphere in your living space.

In my opinion, it is certainly a privilege of Northern countries. Woolen socks, mittens, lace tablecloth. Huge cups of herbal teas, cocoa. Playing in the snow with kids, making snowmen in the yard, putting a scarf on it. Skiing with friends. Fish and roasted vegetable BBQ.
Walking around the house wrapped in a huge blanket and in Granny's boots :) Nights without TV or computer, reading a book out loud for the whole family. And then discussing the most interesting moments. Lots of cookies, pies, breads and cheesecakes. Cozy twilight and burning candles (not scented). Table lamps, wall lamps and floor lamps, candlesticks.

I offer you to look at these illusrations of the lifestyle, get inspired and borrow what you love about it. Harmony is what anyone needs...